Spotlight on Quolls
We have two quoll species in Tasmania, but what’s the difference?
The Spotted tail quoll (also known as tiger quoll or native cat) has many different common names but (Dasyurus maculatus) is their scientific name. They are the largest of the quoll species, found also on the mainland and are listed by the IUCN on the Red List of Threatened Species. There are often stories told about them raiding chicken coups.
Spotted Tail Quoll
The eastern quoll is smaller, only found in Tasmania and considered extinct on the mainland since 1963, most likely due to foxes, and are regarded as endangered under the IUCN. They can be observed in two colours: fawn and dark brown. The key difference, apart from size, is the lack of spots on the eastern quoll’s tail.
The Tasmania Quoll Conservation Program (TQCP), works with East Coast Natureworld and other wildlife sanctuaries to directly support wild quoll populations through breeding and release programs.
Quolls are an essential part of our Tassie fauna, make sure you educate yourselves on how special they are.